If you feel like helping me with a few litres of W100 oil along the way, I have set up a GoFundme page, thank you.
If you feel like helping me with a few litres of W100 oil along the way, I have set up a GoFundme page, thank you.

Solo 2 Darwin Order Now
So strap in and prepare to go on a trip of a lifetime. Twelve countries, 2,600 miles, 46 flying hours, two engine failures, one aeroplane, one female pilot, all equals one amazing adventure!ap in and prepare to go on a trip of a lifetime. Twelve countries, 2,600 miles, 46 flying hours, two engine failures, one aeroplane, one female pilot, all equals one amazing adventure!
Let’s face it, we all start out with dreams and all too often those dreams get packed away as life takes its course. Amanda Harrison knows this all too well but figured out how to stay connected to her dream, even with setbacks, and chart a course in which she became the Captain of her life.
Through engaging storytelling, laugh-out loud humour, and an inspirational message, Harrison takes audiences on a journey in which they reconnect to their dreams, their potential, and see what’s truly possible for themselves and their teams
About Amanda
Amanda is the true spirit of adventure. Having been told at an early age that she would “only ever be good for stacking shelves”, she never gave up on her dream of being a pilot. From small beginnings, she has successfully navigated a twenty-year journey towards her biggest dream - solo pioneering a vintage airplane across the globe. No stranger to diversions and emergencies, Amanda has faced challenges of dyslexia, cancer, and a commercial pilot career in a male-dominated world. +
Amanda believes that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and is a living example of this. She is passionate about inspiring others to keep their dreams alive and live them. Not everyone has to learn to fly, just follow your own dreams. +
Based in England, she finds joy and happiness through dance and continues to fly the skies as a Commercial Pilot and flight instructor, specializing in vintage aeroplanes.

Amanda's Talks
From Dreaming to Doing.
“How an ordinary woman can do extraordinary things”.

All too often, young women reach an age where they pack their dreams away instead of letting their dreams guide them.
Amanda’s inspiring message and clear takeaways help young women transform their attitudes and actions into a personal flight plan to navigate their dreams.
The keynote will dispel negative beliefs and empower the audience to believe that everything in life is possible. Amanda wants every young woman to know -, “If I can, you can.”
Dream big and look at their life from 10,000 feet.
Become the “C.A.P.T.A.I.N” of their life and feel more empowered to take on big dreams.
Keep going during hard times by learning one key mindset shift.
Lift Off!
In business as in life you need to NAVIGATE the best route for your team.

Airplanes on average are 90% off track (compared to the planned line on the map) but they still reach their destination. Most Businesses are on Autopilot. When the aeroplane is on autopilot the question is, “What is the aeroplane doing now?” Answer, “What you’ve programmed…” What if you could take the bird’s eye view to move more effectively towards meaningful success and desired goals? When you have an emergency at 40,000ft as a commercial pilot you must take command. In business individuals and teams are always going to face unexpected challenges, from career paths to team collaboration.
Let Amanda show you how to improve your leadership skills, from valuable lessons learned from real life emergencies in the cockpit.
Planning, Take-off, Cruise, and Landing - Attitude keeps you alive in flying, keep your team alive with a new attitude.
Navigating Challenges - Plan for diversions. Lessons from flying and the counter-intuitive approach that gets results.
How failure is sometime the best success.
Dyslexic Dis- Ability
Learn the Superpowers of Dyslexia for life and business.

“I would be scared of having a Dyslexic Pilot!” I was told. “Why? Because you think I cannot read a checklist?” A check list is for checking you have done things, not actually doing them in the first place. Being a Dyslexic helps Amanda as a pilot because it gives her thinking outside the box for emergencies. 3-dimensional experience for navigation. Determination for getting the job done. Being able to learn in different ways other than linear. Great verbal communication skills.
Take Amanda’s years of figuring out how to succeed being a Dyslexic, and fast track your success. Because she wouldn’t change her Dyslexia for anything now. As it is her superpower.
A lot of leaders and entrepreneurs are Dyslexic! Learn why?
Learn how to succeed with Dyslexia through Amanda’s ‘Dyslexic Ability’ course.
Master Time and Organisation
Angela Donnelly
(Now training to become a commercial pilot)
“Amanda inspired me to take my flying to the next level.”
“Amanda Harrison is a truly inspiring woman. Her zest for life and joyous passion for aviation reignited my own, and now here I am learning to fly at 50 years young!”
Will Garner
“Amanda is a true inspiration. Without her guidance and advice, I wouldn’t be flying the aircraft that I do today.”

“Amanda is a great role model for women in aviation. Hearing her experience, ambition, and passion has motivated me to apply for a scholarship and complete a PPL. I am very grateful that Amanda has made me aware of some of the opportunities available, particularly for women.”
Hattie Marshall